Amenities and Facilities Every Hotel Should Have

Hotel amenities are the additional items or services that make your stay at the accommodation more enjoyable. When booking a hotel, there are various amenities to look out for, especially if you want to have a memorable experience and not just a place to sleep or dine. Here are some of the most common amenities to spice up your stay at a hotel.


Many hotels offer free parking to entice clients to stay in their accommodation facilities, especially those driving personal or rental cars. However, some hotels, especially those located within town centres, request their patrons pay for parking. When booking, ensure that you consider the parking costs in case the hotel does not offer free options. Also, if the hotel offers parking space in a garage, ensure that you can access your car when the need arises because some garages close in the evenings leaving you to find alternative parking spaces.

In-Room Amenities

It’s essential to know the in-room amenities included in a hotel package, especially if you don’t plan to be out and about at all times. Some of these facilities will help keep you engaged and avoid instances of boredom while in the room. These amenities may include a TV, WiFi, room fridge, and in-room iron, among others.


You do not want to skip breakfast, especially if you intend to spend your day outdoors. This is one reason why you should consider if the hotel serves breakfast and if not, where is the most convenient restaurant to order your meal.